C Priebe

Author: Engel Electric Ltd. |

I called Engel Electric at the last min after being unsure about another quote for a job I had pending. Cal Engel was very informative on what the concerns might be (why we would want to do the job this way instead of that way), very prompt in coming out to do a quote, and lined up his best guys to take care of our complicated situation for the next day! Tim did an amazing job threading a line through our crowded bulkhead and only had to poke one hole (which is where the line would come out anyways) to see if there were complications with the pathway (which there were but he figured out how to maneuver around them). Tim did an amazing job of doing the work in a timely fashion, with clean lines, and cleaning up after himself. Furthermore, because they knew I wanted to paint the exterior piping (so that it blended in with the house better) they opted for a more paintable material...shows great thoughtfulness for even the simplest of considerations for the customer. I would definitely use them again!